Phayanakorn cave

Phayanakorn cave , Sam Roi Yod National Park , Prachaubkirikhan province.

Prachubkirikhan province is one of the famous place to visit in Thailand. Located  in the  southern part of Thailand as the narrowest place of the country. There are many places to visit in Prachaubkirikhan  however we are going to talk about “ Phayanakorn  Cave” for this blog.

Phayanakorn Cave located in Sam Roi Yod National Park in the north side around  17 kilometers.  After the arrival, you could find the park rangers who guarding the national park area there. You could choose how to get  to the  cave from  the ticket box.


There are 2 different way to get to Phayanakorn Cave :-

1)By walking up 2 kilometers up the mountain  and you could enjoy  the beautiful scenery as well as the lovely view on the way. However this choice, we would recommend  for some who have a perfect health  condition also some who has more time and no rush. Due to the landscape is climbing on the step and steep mountain area.

2)By boat and continue the walk 450 meters to the cave. With this way , you could get the ticket from the park rangers at the ticket box and then catch the boat ride from the parking space at the entrance number 1 to the other side of the  island which takes only 1. -15 minutes. After you get off the boat, continue the walk on the white sand beach and the pine tree to the path which going to lead you to the cave. Walking distance 450 meters.




At the time , we chose the 2nd choice due to the time limit. While we were on our way to the cave , we had seen the primate called “ Dusky Langur” wander around  and look at us from the trees’ top. We’re quite lucky to see the Wood pecker  as well as some Jungle fowl as well on the walk way. From the entrance , you could see the sign “ Phayanakorn Cave 450 meters up and of course it’s the time to exercise.





Thayanakorn Cave is the big cave which allowed  the light and the air flow to get  through from the top. The most important attraction of the cave is the pavilion of King Rama the 5th of Thailand once during the visit to Prachaubkirikhan in 1890Ad  as well as in 1926 by King Rama the 7th of Thailand. King Rama the9th of Thailand also visit to this cave 2 times in 1958AD and 1981AD.



You could also see the abbreviation names of the kings on the cave wall next to the pavilion.and this pavilion is also the symbol of Prachuabkirikhan as well. Walking around  inside the basement of the cave would be a pleasant site because you could see the beautiful view of the pavilion itself and the stalagmites and  stalagtites. The light which goes  through the top of the ceiling of the cave makes it more beautiful. The perfect timing is in October – February due to the light beam  would get through the top and shine on the pavilion from 9am and not later than 2pm because of the angle would be changed.  So there’s light , no light beam.

This is the reasons why you should add Phayanakorn Cave in to you trip if you have a chance to visit Thailand.

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