Khun Nam Nang Non, Doi Nang Non or Tham Luang.

Khun Nam Nang Non / Doi Nang Non / Tham Luang, Chiang Rai province.

Mountains lie along the boundary between countries. Thai land frontier has the most  border with Myanmar. Today we are going to tell you about Khun Nam Nang Non, Doi Nang Non or Tham Luang which is located not too far from Mae Sai, the Thailand and Myanmar border.

The mountain is well known for the locals from the old legend of the Chang Roong princess from Sibsongpanna, in Yuannan  of China. The locals people there called themselves, the Tai ( similar pronounce as Thai. They are locals who speak the sam language as the local people in the Northern Thailand as Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai. ) From the legend, the  princes had fallen in love with a stable boy and became pregnant. Their love was forbidden. They fled from their homeland and rested in the cave. Due to the tiredness and hunger, the boy went out and searched for food and water. Sadly on the way the princess’ father’s amy found him and killed him. The princess had deeply hurt and afraid of the father’s amy. She sacrificed  for her true love and stabbed herself to death . The legend said her body became the mountain seen today as the shape of the pregnant lady lie against her back. Her blood became the river that locals called  as Mae Sai River as present.

When people travel to Mae Sai Border in Chiang Rai. From the main road, you could see this mountain,  The Sleeping Lady mountain very clear.


The legend ‘s almost forgotten until the big news in 23rd June,2018 when there was a youth football team with 12 boys and 1 coach had found lost in the cave for 2 weeks. There ‘re help from over the world came and offered Thailand helps to safe the boys.  After 10 days, the boys found stay alive and safe. However they ‘re tired and lack of food for many days. Hope still among us and we wish the boys are safe and could return to their family. Hope as well that it would be a good story among us all to learn about the unity of us all. Unite could save our world.

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