Elephant care trendy

Elephant Care Trendy

Most of people when travel to the north of Thailand, mostly they would think of elephants as the elephants are symbol of Thailand. In the old days, elephants in the north took part in the forestry industrial for logging. When the tourism industry started in Thailand, elephants became part of the activity which people could visit and see how clever they are. Many places usually have the elephants show and demonstration to show that the elephants are clever to do many things. Of course the famous thing people have heard about them is “The famous elephant painting” in many elephant camps you could visit and see how beautiful paintings are.  Many people don’t want to see them doing such the things like that and have the idea that elephants should have better life and not doing the things like that. However as the human, they could do the amazing things. As some of the people become the actors and actresses, become famous as we say “ Born to be.”

If we may say, we would like to say that every elephant camps have their on way to look after the elephants well and treat them well. Also every elephants have their right to stay healthy in physically and mentally before they get sick or extinction. Now the trend of visiting to the elephant have already changed from seeing them on the demonstration, we have a new program for people to take care and look after them. Spending a half day or a day with them. Be there as their friends. Know how to look after and care for them. Sharing your love to the beautiful elephants.  Part of the activity no matter a half day or a full day one. You could enjoy learning their behavior and learn how to take care of them  same as the mahouts do. As many elephants in Thailand are domestic  elephants, they do need the human ( the elephant boy) to look after them. You could be part of them to help them and take care them while visiting them in the camp. Feeding them with their favorite fruit, play along with the baby elephants , walk along them in the trail for exercise to make them not over feeding. The best part is the elephant bathing which you could enjoy with the elephants in the river or in the mud to cool them down. The pleasant activity you could get and share your love , gain your understanding more about the elephants about the elephant keepers.

Elephants not belong to just a person, but they belong to us all. We could make the thing better.


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